Within the n framework of Aus4skills program, Thai Nguyen University organised a symposium titled “Promoting sustainable linkages between enterprises and universities”.
Local and international attendants at the Symposium
Attending the symposium were representatives from the Australian Embassy in Vietnam, Ministry of Education and Training, training institutions, relevant departments and industries from provinces in Northern region.
Speech by Mr. Phạm Như Nghệ, representative of Ministry of Education and Training.
Speaking at the Symposium, Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Quang, President of Thai Nguyen University stated: “Linkages between education institutions and industry build a win-win relationship, in which enterprises act as information providers to help education institutions understand the labour market. For their own sake, education institutions must be market-driven, and of course industry’s demands need to be taken into account”.
With 14 presentations, participants had a chance to share experiences in building and developing effective linkages between universities and enterprises, as well as introducing models for cooperation. Solutions were suggested to successfully implement the cooperation models, enhancing opportunities for networking and further cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises.
In doing so, there should be a common understanding that linking with enterprises is the task of all members, not just of leaders of the university. Universities need to change curriculum, teaching and learning method, student assessment, student’s self-study capacity, and to strengthen linkages with enterprises to help solve their problems right at the university.
It is also necessary to improve the role of enterprises in training by engaging them in lecturing. At the same time, universities need to change internship models, to equip students with more soft skills and other skills needed to perform workplace tasks. Relevance of training programs to the market needs is also a point of attention.
Specifically, it is important to change the mindset of leaders, to change their viewpoints on cooperation, to develop a strategy that serves mutual benefits. To sustain industry linkages in the long run, it is important to improve the role of enterprises at university, e.g. engaging them in the university council or in the advisory board to obtain their feedback and recommendations. There is also a need to adjust or reduce lengths of training programs.
“Aus4Skills is a cooperation program between Australia and Vietnam (2016-2020), with the aim to improve the quality of human resources, especially of managers and female officers. The program has supported thousands of students, contributing to uplift the success rate among ethnic minorities students, helping them find suitable jobs upon graduation” – Brendon Brooker, Second Secretary, Australian Embassy in Vietnam.
Source: Education and Times