Education & Times – On 17 June, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in collaboration with the Aus4Skills organised a roundtable seminar to prepare training program standards for higher education of all levels.
Source: internet
Vietnam has been undergoing a comprehensive renovation of education and training through standardisation, modernisation, democratisation, socialisation and international integration (Resolution No. 29-NQ /TW issued by the Central Executive Committee on 4 November 2013).
In recent decades, many countries had developed national qualification frameworks to ensure that training quality meets the market needs, provides learners with flexibility and the opportunity to gain international recognition.
To boost the socio-economic development in a sustainable way, Vietnam needs to equip its human resources with the capacity to complete with the regional and international labour force.
On 18 October 2016, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1982/QD-TTg on approving the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework (VQF) with the aim of: classifying and standardising qualifications, workload minimums and certification to suit different levels of vocational education and higher education in Vietnam. VQF also provides an effective mechanism that links employer’s requirements with training qualifications through training, monitoring, assessment and quality inspection. It also serves as a basis for setting training output standards in different sectors and for the development of policies on quality assurance.
It is also important to establish linkages with national qualification frameworks of other countries through regional and international reference frameworks that serve as a basis for mutual recognition, improvement of quality and competitiveness of human resources.
To implement the VQF, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 436 / QD-TTg on 30 March 2020, assigning the MOET to lead and coordinate with ministries, branches, professional associations and higher education institutions to develop and promulgate training standards for different sectors and areas of training under higher education.
Higher education institutions will be guided on reviewing, adjusting and updating curricula to suit training program standards as regulated by the Law on amendment of some provisions in Higher Education Law.
To fulfill this important task, it is necessary to work with all higher education institutions, professional groups and relevant stakeholders.
Round-table seminar participants
Therefore, the MOET organised this seminar to share experience from different countries in developing training curriculum standards, and to consult experts, scientists and representatives of higher education institutions, ministries and other stakeholders on what to be be prepared to develop training curriculum standards for different sectors at each level of higher education.
The development of these training program standards will be associated with the innovation and improvement of training quality at higher education institutions, including adjustment of approaches to development and implementation of training programs to meet employers’ requirements.
It is also important to establish a good linkage between the development of curricula with quality assurance, allowing for self-assessment and innovation at higher education institutions.
In addition, reference between Vietnam National Qualifications Framework and ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) will serve as a basis for mutual recognition of qualifications, improvement of quality and competitiveness of Vietnam’s vs the ASEAN human resources.
A participant speaks at the seminar
Based on the recommendations of scientists and representatives from higher education institutions and other stakeholders, the Ministry of Education and Training will consider and develop relevant guidance on the development of program standards and a roadmap for the implementation of VQF. The Ministry will take similar experience of other countries and Vietnam’s context into account, to make this mission feasible and sustainable.
The MOET expects that realisation of this policy will create a breakthrough for higher education institutions, and improve Vietnam’s training competitiveness regionally and internationally.